Thursday, October 1, 2015

Cashew Tree and Its Health benefits

Family: Anacardiaceae 
Genus: Anacardium
Specie: Occidentale 
Scientific Name: Anacardium Occidentale 

General Description

Cashew Tree(Anacardium occidentale) ,  is popularly known as cashew everywhere. No variation. At least, that is what I hear people call it everywhere I've been to. Even where there are local names for it, people still prefer to call it cashew. Where the soil is fertile, it can grow up to 40 feet(12 meters). Its leaves have an intense green color. They can exceed 20 cm in length and 10 cm in width. They are evergreen. Its nuts which are found on its fruits looks like  big beans and its fruits known as "cashew apple" is fleshy and juicy. And its bark is uhmm...  I guess you know what it looks like already. If you don't , you can look at the Opening image.  So lets move to where we are going.

Uses/Health Benefit of Cashew


 Cashew apples are very rich in potassium and sodium which are necessary for building muscles, synthesizing protein, and controlling the electrical activities of the heart. present are The juice contains five times the vitamin C found in orange juice so in case you need a natural vitamin C supplement, cashew fruit is the answer. It contains 44 grams of healthy fat per 100 grams. It is also rich in dietary fibre and protein.  Ripe cashew fruits are Either yellow or Red.


Cashew nuts are essential source of both micro and macro-minerals.  It contains zinc which is a co-factor for many enzymes that regulate growth and development, digestion, and sperm production and maintenance of prostrate health; selenium  which is a co-factor for antioxidants; potassium which is useful for protein synthesis and many other minerals like sodium, iron, magnesium,   manganese and so on.  Cashew nut are also rich in  dietary fibers. It is rich in vitamin E, and vitamin K which are useful for dissolution of Fat and and blood clotting respectively. Here is a little warning. the shell of cashew nuts contains urushiol(C21H36O2) , a chemical capable of burning the skin,before consuming cashew nuts, roast very well to get rid of the urushiol. After roasting, you're good to go.

Leaves and Bark(see the opening image for recognition) 

Cashew leaves when chewed like gum can are used to maintain Oral hygiene. In West Africa, the leaves and bark are use to treat malaria and diabetes. Cashew barks and leaves are effective for treating diarrhea due to the presence of tannin.

So, either you are planning looking for supplements,  want to add new fruit to your diet list, or you are searching for a herbal cure to some certain illness, the cashew tree is worth consideration.

For more info about the medicinal use of cashew, read this journal.

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